Osaka - Still Life (Real-time)





Scene Breakdown

Lighting Progress

init pass in ue

init pass in ue

Camera Layout using fSpy and Maya

Camera Layout using fSpy and Maya

Pathtracer Overview

Pathtracer Overview

Lumen Overview

Lumen Overview

Material Layer Breakdown

Material Layer Breakdown

Substance Mask

Substance Mask

Substance Base Layer

Substance Base Layer

This is my attempt at recreating a photorealistic still-life version of Mark Weich's "Rain City" photograph in real-time.
Original photo:

I decided to test Unreal Engine's Path Tracer mode for the first time and compare it with Lumen. The Path Tracer excels in handling translucent materials—an area where Lumen still has some limitations. However, I believe I can further refine Lumen's results to closely match the Path Tracer with some additional tweaks. Performance-wise, Lumen delivered 13–20 fps on a 2070S, while Path Tracing required significantly more sampling due to the heavy use of transmissive and emissive objects in the scene.

For accuracy, I used fSpy and Maya to calculate the camera position and set up the initial layout. The main buildings were modeled in Maya, with a basic material setup created in Substance. I also built a procedural RGBA mask to drive the material layer setup in Unreal Engine. Textures were exported at 1024x1024 resolution, with additional detailing layers sourced from Quixel’s procedural materials. I encountered no texture cache issues until after adding MetaHumans.

I plan to update this project with some additional camera work but wanted to share this version as is for now.